About SDA


The Art and Practice of Social Innovation using Conversational Interaction Design.


We’ve all learned to apply colonial design thinking, yet if we want to systemise social innovation we need to move towards Civilian Design Thinking & Civic Counsils. We need to design with, not for, and create community-focussed and Challenge-led social design cultures and tools

(Online) Co-creation will safeguard our future. Keeping collective genius at the center of decision making is the key to building the future we want and safeguard our humanity. Yet, we need to focus on ideas guided by principles, not the people themselves.


We believe in a world where everybody is a designer, where we use our collective empathy, creativity and strategy to come up with solutions we can’t reach with our current governance models.

Meaningful connection is the key to our future, and finding new ways to bring problem solving into our communication networks is the key to a thriving world.

We must not solve problems with technology (convenience focus), but we must design software that helps us solve bigger problems. (wellbeing focus)

Design from the heart will attract people into your community. Yet, in our current world it's our mind that setup teams around competence, time and money.


Social Innovation is not an experiment, and if we want to evolve our businesses and get ready for the future, we need to move beyond designing for convenience. Every meaningful brand plays a role in Social Innovation, and the Social Design Academy wants to show the path towards new and future proof design paradigms. If we really want to unlock our greatest human potential we need to un-silo, and re-connect our minds with our heart.

Network Success = Personal Intent x Shared Purpose x Collective Meaning.

Our Social UX&UI Program will level-up software designers into change makers.

SDA – Social R & D is the key to compounding Social Innovation.

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